Hello Friends,
Why does the new ''comish'' feel the need to go ''United Nations'' with the NFL ? We need to keep what is an American game right here in the lower 48....before you know it the ''Thanksgiving Day'' games will be played in Cuba once Castro kicks the can simply because the NFL would make a killing with the location being so close to Florida & the new regime will accept cause they will need the money ! LOL
Seriously, here's my plan to make things right.
Move the Pro Bowl to the mainland.
Why do you think it's not as popular as the MLB, NHL & NBA All-Star games ?
It's simply because it's played in Hawaii !
Most people can't afford a trip to Hawaii unless they ''whoop out the plastic'' !
The Superbowl needs to stay right here in America....I sort of understand the need to keep it in a warm weather climate, but in all reality the NFL would make a killing even if the game was again played in a cold weather climate, for the record if the Superbowl was played in Green Bay the NFL would make a killing !
We need to put the money aspect aside a bit & place the emphasis on the FANS !
I think the Superbowl would do pretty well rotating around to each NFL city, if the NFL thought enough of a city to award a franchise to them then they should consider awarding them a Superbowl...economics is economics Superbowl or not.
For many of us that grew up without cable & satelitte TV, Sunday afternoons were all about Pat Sumerall & John Madden while our Monday nights were graced with Howard Cosell, ''Dandy'' Don Meredith & Frank Gifford....I sang ''Turn Out The Lights'' with Don each & every time. LOL
Are we going to need translators pretty soon to understand the game commentators ? LOL
Why should fans accept a worldwide league when NFL Europe closed it's doors and it was a proven farm league for the the NFL that produced & cultivated several great players ?
Let's keep what is American TRULY an American tradition.
With that being said I still can't believe that Dolphin fans are going to miss out on a home game simply because it's going to be played in London, now that my friends IMO is simply unreal & 100% uncalled for.
I hope that things change for the better, but unless we get a new ''comish'' I fear that things will change for the benefit of the NFL, not the fan.
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