Ric Flair, born Richard Morgan Fliehr, was birthed on February 25, 1949, in the small hamlet of Edina, Minnesota. The son of an obstetrician/gynecologist and a marketing executive, Ric proved himself an able sportsman, no doubt a foreshadowing of greater things to lie ahead. A basketball player in high school, he also won the Wisconsin state high school championship in amateur wrestling.
By the time he started college, he was also recognized as quite the accomplished football player, being selected as a two-time All-Statelineman and going on as an offensive guard and defensive tackle at the University of Minnesota. Soon after completing his time at the University of Minnesota, Ric started his wrestling training under the watchful tutelage of Verne Gagne and Billy Robinson.
Promptly joining the American Wrestling Association, his first opponent was the inimitable "Scrap Iron" Gadaski, whom he met on December 10, 1972. The match ending in a draw, Ric realized that his full potential would have to be realized at a different time in a different place.
Guess we should just say the rest is history....WOOOOOOO BABY !!!
Copy Paste Link For Rick's Complete Biography !
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