Music Lovers Rediscover The Timbre Of The Turntable
July 11, 2008, 8:29 AM EST
Travis Dryden spent his childhood listening to his parent's records. And then he left them behind with the other detritus of his pre-college years to be sold for pennies at a yard sale.
Lured by the portability of cassette tapes, the iridescent gleam of compact discs, then the miniaturized wonder of MP3 players — who needed the fragile, antiquated technology of an LP?
As it turns out, Dryden did.
Now, like thousands of other reborn vinyl addicts, he scours record stores around the country, trying to get those lost records back.
"I abandoned a lot of my collection, unfortunately," Dryden said. "I started at record stores, thrift stores, garage sales and estate sales. When I travel for business I seek out record stores and thrift stores at the cities I visit."
Right now, Dryden said, his collection is small with only about 500 albums. But it might as well be 50,000 — as co-founder of the Vinyl Preservation Society of Idaho, a rapidly growing group in Boise, Dryden gets the opportunity to listen to selections from thousands of records at the organization's monthly meetings.
The group started last year with a handful of people. They brought CDs, MP3s and records, meeting in each their homes to talk and listen to music. Again and again, Dryden said, the group found themselves choosing the warm hum of the turntable over the cold precision of digital formats.
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