Sunday, May 17, 2009

Eliminating The Coin Flip Would Solve NFL's Overtime Issues

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You're playing a game of football with your friends, when one of them gets a call saying that they have to leave soon, which will break up the game. The game is currently tied and you want to determine a winner.

Do you: a) keep playing until one team scores or b) flip a coin and then kick the ball off to the team that won the coin flip?

If you think that option b) sounds strange, you're not alone.

Many NFL fans dislike the current overtime setup where the team that wins a coin flip can elect to receive the ball, move down the field and score, thereby ending the game without allowing the other team a chance to touch the ball on offense.

The most equitable solution to this problem is also the simplest:

Skip the flip,Just keep playing...First team to score wins.


1 comment:

Smee said...

Interesting post, Eddie!

How did you get a counter that is SO specific? - and how doi you know that it is completely accurate?

Anyhow, I'm trying to increase activity to my blog, so, if you'd care to read and comment on my myriad musings, please do! It can be found at

Becky (a.k.a. CarrollsMine99)